Every life’s journey is joined by fellow travellers who guide and show us the way. The Fools’ Journey is no different. Signposted by these five gentlemen, each of whom brings their own unique insights to this personal odyssey.
How I first encountered them on this journey can be read here, but for those in a hurry, here’s a brief rollcall.

The character most associated with the role of a Fool. Quick of wit, sharp of mind, cunning of tongue.
In The Fools’ Journey, The Jester is the Fool of the Mental Self.

More commonly known as the circus clown, most commonly involved in stunts that appear to go wrong. Invariably clumsy, and prone to failure.
In The Fools’ Journey, The Auguste is the Fool of the Physical Bodies.

When we see the pierrot, it tends to go hand in hand with tragedy and unrequited love. Painfully sensitive to the world that happens around him.
In The Fools’ Journey, The Pierrot is the Fool of the Emotional Being.

The Scarecrow is without a brain, and without memory or expectation, and approaches everything with the awe of the beginner’s mind.
In The Fools’ Journey, The Scarecrow is the Pure born Fool.

The Harlequin has mastered the skills of each of the other Fools, and is the equal and opposite of all of them. Acrobatic and yet still. Dumb and yet wily. Vibrant and yet invisible.
In The Fools’ Journey, The Harlequin is the Fool of the Unseen Worlds.